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Goldstone's Reading Spine

At Goldstone, we want our school to be a place where children are read to, enjoy, discuss and work with high quality books.  To ensure this we have developed our own 'Reading Spine'.

Our 'Reading Spine' is a set of core key books that all children will experience throughout their time with us at Goldstone - from the beginning of their time in EYFS, all the way through KS1 and onto the end of KS2.  These are the 'must have' reads - the finest books that you can find! 

In the words of Pie Corbett ‘this will creating a living library inside a child’s mind.’ By the time the children leave Goldstone Primary they will have over 40 books in their ‘living library’.

We are always looking to improve this range of books, ensuring as much as possible that they truly reflect our broad, enriched curriculum and the diverse nature of the children and families that make up our school.

To look at example of books that make up our Reading Spine in:

EYFS click here.

KS1 click here.

KS2 click here.

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