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Healthy Schools

We ensure that all children enjoy a healthy school environment, which supports their wellbeing and builds a foundation for learning. Healthy children are better prepared to learn and succeed in school. Health education is included in a range of curriculum areas, including science and PSHCE, and is also embedded in our school ethos. We promote healthy eating, offering a healthy KS2 tuck shop, awarding team points for children with healthy lunch boxes or for eating all their lunch, and providing healthy food at all school functions. School dinners provide a balanced diet and fruit is provided at playtimes. Physical activities are organised by staff at playtimes and lunchtimes. The whole school community shares in our annual picnic where children learn about healthy foods and then enjoy making their own healthy picnic lunch. Our health awareness week when children and staff run around the field each morning is another successful event, encouraging good health and exercise. Our Breakfast Club and After School Club have once again received the Healthy Choice Award, in recognition of our provision of tasty, healthy meals.

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