New National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
We are delighted to be a delivery partner for the new and reformed NPQs for UCL Institute of Education. Across our region, we have a strong record of collaboration and delivering NPQs for UCL and the impact can be seen in many of our schools.
The NPQs are designed to provide quality CPD and a golden thread of development from the Early Career Framework.

What are the benefits of the NPQs?
"Just a quick email to say thank you both so much for yesterday's session. As ever, I found it very valuable and a real aid to the assimilation of growing knowledge and a practical way to help me build on my confidence. I am working to conquer my imposter syndrome. I find it so useful to work with colleagues who have such varied experience. Your steering and general guidance are also invaluable." Feedback from one of our NPQH participants
"The research on the programme has really enabled my colleagues and I to become more effective practitioners and learners." Feedback from one of our NPQH participants
"The first peer learning group session was inspiring". Feedback from one of our NPQLBC participants
We are delighted to be a delivery partner for the new and reformed NPQs for UCL Institute of Education. Across our region, we have a strong record of collaboration and delivering NPQs for UCL and the impact can be seen in many of our schools.
The NPQs are designed to provide quality CPD and a golden thread of development from the Early Career Framework.

What are the benefits of the NPQs?
We are delighted to be a delivery partner for the new and reformed NPQs for UCL Institute of Education. Across our region, we have a strong record of collaboration and delivering NPQs for UCL and the impact can be seen in many of our schools.
The NPQs are designed to provide quality CPD and a golden thread of development from the Early Career Framework.

What are the benefits of the NPQs?
Spring 2025 Registration for NPQs with UCL and SCSA (Cohort 8)
Spring 2025 admissions
The DfE registration portal for the Spring is now open and the deadline to register is 28th March 2025 . There are scholarships available for each programme, however, the DfE have reduced the availability of scholarship places. Early application is advised. Eligibility for scholarships depends on the programme and/or the school pupil premium. You can find out if you meet the scholarship criteria here.
NPQs available with SCSA from Spring 2025 (Cohort 8)
The reformed leadership NPQs are:
- Early Years Leadership: for those who are, or aspiring to be, managers of Early Years settings. Additional information on NPQEYL and Q&A. (Please note this course is run centrally through UCL)
- Senior Leadership: for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.
- Headship: for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.
- Executive Leadership: For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools. (Please note this course is run centrally through UCL)
- SENCO: A new programme designed to equip teachers and school leaders within the SEND landscape.
For further details of the content please go to:
How to apply
If you wish to work with UCL Institute of Education, please follow the steps outlined below:
Applicants will need to apply individually after discussion with their Headteacher or senior leader and will need their Teachers Reference number (TRN) and their National Insurance number when registering.
Step 1: Go to DfE
Step 2:
Choose UCL Institute of Education as a Lead Provider. The DfE platform will check the applicants TRN and, if appropriate, national insurance number. This is where eligibility for scholarships is checked. Eligibility for a scholarship does not guarantee a funded programme place.
If you are not eligible for a scholarship place, you may decide to pay, or your school may pay on your behalf. See a schedule of fees under Funding and fees.
Once registration is complete, the DFE will confirm the details with UCL IOE, usually within three days although this can take longer if you are waiting for a TRN. UCL will then contact the participant directly asking them to complete the application process via a link to the application form.
Once registered, you will receive an email from UCL within 48 hours asking you to complete a short UCL IOE enrolment form requiring your preferred delivery partner and your approver’s details.
UCL will confirm whether you have been awarded a scholarship place or not. Regarding the awarding of scholarship places, UCL will operate a strict ‘first come, first served’ approach to applications for Spring 2025.
Similarly, self/ school-funded places for those not eligible for a scholarship will be confirmed as soon as possible.
The form requires headteacher/principal's and line manager details. For early years colleagues where this is not possible, please secure verification of your role, this could be from a local network manager or colleague – verification is required to ensure that the funding is being allocated to the correct recipient. Line manager details may be a colleague in your setting or network who you have a professional relationship with.
Step 3:
UCL Institute of Education will notify the participant if they are successful and transfer the details to us as a Delivery Partner.
Step 4:
Sussex Coast Schools Alliance (delivery partner) will then contact participants with dates of the programme and details of how to prepare.
This process is the same for all national providers.
Deadlines for applications:
We are currently recruiting for Cohort 8 to begin in Spring 2025. Applications need to be submitted by 31st March 2025.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or support at